Can A Knocked Out Tooth Be Saved?

From motor vehicle accidents to sports injuries, there are various ways your teeth can be knocked out.
You may be able to save a tooth when this happens. By taking proper action right away and seeking emergency endodontic care, you could avoid permanent tooth loss. Keep reading for more information.
What to Do When a Tooth Gets Knocked Out
Whether or not you can save a tooth that has been knocked out of your mouth may depend on whether you take the proper steps immediately after losing the tooth. According to the American Association of Endodontists, if a tooth gets knocked out, you should:
- Locate the tooth
- Carefully pick up the tooth by the crown, doing your absolute best to avoid touching the root section
- Gently rinsing the tooth with water if it’s dirty (and not scrubbing it, wrapping it, or attempting to clean it with anything other than water)
- If possible, gently placing the tooth back in the socket and either holding it in place with your fingers or biting down on it
- Keeping the tooth moist; if you’re unable to keep it in its socket, place the tooth in milk
- Seeing an endodontist right away
That last point is important. To optimize your chances of saving a tooth, it’s best to see an endodontist within 30 minutes of tooth loss.
However, if you’re not able to receive emergency treatment right away, it’s still wise to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. The endodontist might be able to help if you preserved a tooth carefully.
How an Endodontist May Save a Tooth That Was Knocked Out
The specific way an endodontist may treat a knocked out tooth can vary somewhat depending on a number of factors. The endodontist will evaluate your condition and the condition of your tooth to determine the best treatment option.
Generally, the endodontist may proceed by:
- Flushing the socket with water to keep it clean
- If necessary, beginning by performing an emergency root canal
- Inserting the tooth back into its socket
- Using wires or composite splints to hold the tooth in place
It’s important to follow the endodontist’s advice closely when they explain how to protect your tooth in the days and weeks after you see them. If the tooth remains in place without being moved, over time, the roots should begin to regrow, and the endodontist can remove the wires or splints holding the tooth in its socket.
Guarding Against Tooth Loss
There are steps you may take to avoid having a tooth knocked out in the first place. They include wearing protective gear when playing contact sports and generally avoiding activities that may put you in harm’s way. However, it’s worth remembering that if you ever do lose a tooth in an accident, that doesn’t necessarily mean the tooth is lost forever.
Seek Endodontic Care in Las Vegas
At Las Vegas Endodontics, we may be able to help if you’ve lost a tooth in an accident. Learn more by calling us at 702-876-5800 to request an appointment.